Introduction for parents

At Axis, we offer kids Brazilian jiu jitsu classes (BJJ) from ages 6+. There is no sparring in our kids classes and wherever possible we teach jiu jitsu principles through the use of games (rather than repetitive drills). Our kids classes are designed to be fun!

It’s not “Fight Club” for kids

BJJ emphasizes self-discipline, conflict resolution, and responsible behavior.

In a structured and supervised environment, kids learn the importance of self-control and restraint. They understand that BJJ techniques are to be used solely for self-defense and not for aggressive purposes. In fact, BJJ training often involves discussions on de-escalation techniques, emphasizing the role of verbal communication and avoiding physical altercations whenever possible.

Moreover, BJJ teaches kids about respect—for themselves, their training partners, and their instructors. Through regular practice, they develop a deep sense of discipline and learn to channel their energy in a positive direction.

We help kids be more confident and capable

Ultimately, BJJ instills in kids a sense of empowerment, self-confidence, and self-control. It equips them with tools to handle conflict positively and assertively without resorting to violence.

We teach children to avoid physical confrontation wherever possible but we also teach children realistic self defence skills to help them protect themselves.

It’s not about teaching kids to be “violent”. Its about giving them the skills to not be victims. Every child has the right to protect themselves.

If you have any concerns or would like to learn more about our approach to teaching BJJ to kids, we’d be happy to provide further information or invite you to observe one of our classes. Our priority is to create a safe and supportive environment where children can grow both physically and emotionally while learning valuable skills that extend far beyond the mats.

As a parent, you’re constantly seeking activities that nurture your child’s growth, confidence, and overall well-being. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) stands out as more than just a martial art—it’s a life-changing experience that contributes significantly to fostering happier, more self-assured children. Let’s delve into how BJJ instills confidence and happiness in kids, transforming their lives in multifaceted ways.

1. BJJ builds confidence

BJJ offers a unique platform for children to master new skills progressively. As they learn various techniques, positions, and strategies, they witness their growth firsthand. With each accomplishment on the mat, whether it’s mastering a technique or earning a new belt, children gain a sense of achievement that boosts their self-confidence.

BJJ provides a structured setting where shy kids can gradually build confidence. Classes involve teamwork, partnership, and communication. Shy kids learn to interact with others in a supportive environment. This social interaction in a controlled setting helps shy children feel more at ease and accepted.

2. Overcoming challenges and building resilience

The journey in BJJ isn’t always smooth—it’s peppered with challenges and setbacks. However, these challenges serve as invaluable lessons. When kids experience setbacks or encounter difficulties in learning a new technique, the art of perseverance and resilience is ingrained in them. Over time, they learn that setbacks are stepping stones to success, fostering a resilient mindset that transcends the boundaries of the training room.

3. Healthy self-esteem through positive reinforcement

In a BJJ environment, positive reinforcement is at the core. Instructors and peers alike encourage and applaud every effort and improvement. This continuous positive feedback loop nurtures a healthy self-esteem in children. As they receive acknowledgment for their hard work and dedication, they develop a positive self-image, enhancing their confidence both on and off the mat.

4. Building trust and empathy

BJJ is a sport that relies heavily on trust and mutual respect between training partners. Children learn to trust their partners during drills and sparring sessions, fostering empathy and understanding for others’ strengths and weaknesses. This builds a strong sense of camaraderie and compassion, vital qualities that contribute to their emotional intelligence and social skills.

5. Stress relief and emotional well-being

Physical activity, such as BJJ, is a proven stress reliever. Through rigorous training sessions, children release pent-up energy and stress, promoting a sense of emotional well-being. The endorphins released during exercise contribute to improved mood and mental clarity, fostering a happier disposition in kids.

6. Reducing Screen Time, Promoting Active Lifestyles

In an era dominated by screens, BJJ offers a refreshing break from excessive digital exposure. Structured classes ranging from one to two hours provide children with a compelling reason to disconnect from screens and engage in meaningful physical and social activities. These sessions not only promote exercise but also encourage communication skills and active participation.

7. Bullying prevention and self-defence

One of the significant advantages of BJJ is its practical application in self-defense. Children learn techniques that empower them to handle bullying situations effectively. BJJ emphasizes control and leverage rather than relying on strength, enabling kids to defend themselves without resorting to violence.

As children immerse themselves in the world of BJJ, they embark on a transformative journey that goes beyond physical prowess. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu becomes a catalyst for their personal growth, offering invaluable life lessons that shape their character and outlook on life.

So, if you’re considering an activity that not only promotes physical fitness but also nurtures confidence, resilience, and happiness in your child, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu might just be the perfect fit.

Give your child the gift of BJJ—an experience that molds happier, more self-assured individuals, empowering them to face life’s challenges with confidence and a resilient spirit.